Extending LIGO's Reach Into the Cosmos
September 29, 2021
New mirror coatings will increase the volume of space LIGO can probe in its next run

The entire measurement procedure takes a few hours to complete, and it is completely automated and controlled either remotely or from the laboratory workstation. The colorful images above the computer screens show some of the ways the disk can vibrate. Those vibrations modes are detectable by the instrument and are used to determine the properties of the mirror material being tested.

Researchers test coatings for the LIGO mirrors by depositing them on glass disks that are smaller than the real mirrors, and therefore easier to handle. One of those test disks is shown here being taken out of its storage container.
Credit: Caltech

The pinkish color in the photo is due to a thin layer of a metal oxide coating deposited on the surface.

The disk is then placed inside a vacuum chamber where its mechanical properties and energy dissipation can be measured. The less energy that is dissipated in the mirrors, the more sensitive the LIGO detectors will be. The vacuum chamber is visible in the back, while in the forefront one can see the optics used to steer the laser beam that probes the disk vibrations.

A view of the measurement system from one of the vacuum chamber windows. The red dots are produced by the probe laser beam.

A view of the inside of the measurement vacuum chamber: four samples with different materials can be measured at the same time.

After the samples are placed inside the chamber, some fine tuning is required to ensure that they are horizontal and perfectly centered.

The vacuum chamber is shown close up, right before the air is pumped out. The chamber must reach a pressure of less than one billionth of Earth's atmosphere before it is possible to start observing the vibrations of the disk and measuring the energy dissipation in the coating material.

The chamber is closed and the pumping can now start. In about one hour, almost all the air will be out of the chamber and the instrument will start taking data.