Core Curriculum
Caltech's core curriculum prepares students for the interdisciplinary nature of science and engineering by requiring an understanding of the basic sciences, mathematics, the humanities, and the social sciences. This encourages a culture of problem solving, collaboration, and communication while providing valuable experience in all fields of science. Significant study in the humanities and social sciences allows graduates to navigate the societal, political, and economic factors that influence, and are influenced by, their work.
All Caltech undergrads enroll in at least one course under the aegis of the Resnick Sustainability Center. These core courses touch multiple disciplines and are infused with sustainability concepts, case studies, problem-set questions, field trips, and exercises.
Hands-On Education
ME 72
Undergraduate Student Research
The academic experience for both graduate and undergraduate students is defined by participation in Caltech's world-class research. Graduate students partner closely with faculty to pursue scientific questions and publish research in top journals, while undergraduates make significant contributions in the lab through unparalleled research opportunities led by the Student-Faculty Programs Office.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF)
91 percent of Caltech undergraduates participate in research, and the main vehicle for that participation is the SURF program. During this annual 10-week summer research opportunity, students conduct research under the guidance of experienced mentors working at the frontiers of their fields in labs across Caltech divisions, JPL, LIGO, and at other universities.
JPL/NASA Student Research
In addition to a traditional SURF at JPL, Caltech students can participate in other NASA research programs like the NASA Space Grant program, NASA Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research (SUPPR), and the JPL Summer Internship Program (JPLSIP).
First-Year Success Research Institute
FSRI is a year-long orientation and academic support program designed to introduce incoming first-year students to Caltech's research and math curriculum, culture and campus life, and academic and student support services in a collaborative environment that allows students to develop lasting relationships with peers and colleagues.
Research Programs for Non-Caltech Students
Caltech also hosts programs for non-Caltech undergraduates to conduct research on campus. The WAVE Fellows program is a 10-week summer research program for undergraduates who have been significantly underrepresented in STEM, aimed at promoting greater diversity in higher education and attracting talent to Caltech graduate programs. The Amgen Scholars program provides opportunities for non-Caltech undergraduates to conduct research in biology, chemistry, or biotechnology.
No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community.
Academic Divisions
Caltech's nearly 1,000 undergraduate students can choose from 26 options (majors), spread across six academic divisions. Caltech's program not only builds students' expertise in a core area of study and research, but requires a considerable depth and exposure to basic science, humanities, math, and social science overall as the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research, business, and society requires the ability to make connections across disciplines.
Biology and Biological Engineering (BBE)
BBE offers undergraduate options in biology and bioengineering. Its graduate options include neurobiology as well as a biochemistry and molecular biophysics option shared with CCE. The division also houses MD/PhD programs that allow students to pursue medical degrees at partner universities while completing doctoral studies at Caltech.
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE)
CCE's undergraduate options in chemistry and chemical engineering prepare students to understand fundamental concepts of the molecular sciences and to excel in professional practice or in academia. Chemistry has two different tracks of study, while chemical engineering has six. Graduate options include chemistry, chemical engineering, and the biochemistry and molecular biophysics program run in conjunction with BBE.
Engineering and Applied Science (EAS)
EAS is a collaborative community working at the leading edge of fundamental science to invent the technologies of the future. Its eight undergraduate options span a wide range of engineering, from applied physics and computer science to materials science and mechanical engineering. Other fields are available as graduate options, such as civil engineering, medical engineering, and space engineering.
Geological and Planetary Sciences (GPS)
GPS faculty and students study the earth and other planets to understand their origin, composition, and development. The division's undergraduate and graduate options in geological and planetary sciences and environmental science and engineering lean heavily on fundamental science and on interdisciplinary collaborations with colleagues from across Caltech, as well as at the U.S. Geological Survey and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
The study of the social sciences has been an important part of the Caltech curriculum for more than a century. HSS offers seven undergraduate options, including English and business, economics, and management. Two distinct graduate programs play a critical role in the HSS research and learning environment: the social sciences PhD program and the social and decision neuroscience PhD program.
Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy (PMA)
PMA is home to internationally recognized academic and research programs in physics, mathematics, and astrophysics, with undergraduate and graduate options in all three. In PMA, undergraduate and graduate scholars are given ample opportunity to work closely with outstanding faculty, learning through classroom lectures, discussions, and hands-on research into how the universe works.
Academic Resources
Caltech Library
The Caltech Library, which includes five campus libraries and the Caltech Archives and Special Collections, partners with faculty, students, and staff across the Institute in the creation, dissemination, and discovery of knowledge.
Career Achievement, Leadership, and Exploration (CALE)
CALE, Caltech's career center, provides core programs and services such as employer relations, career coaching, and career fairs to help students, postdoctoral scholars, and recent alumni meet their professional development needs.
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach (CTLO)
The CTLO supports Caltech's multifaceted educational efforts, including undergraduate and graduate courses and curricula, formal and informal teaching and learning, and partnerships with PreK-12 teachers and students. CTLO works with Caltech faculty and departments to design and implement courses, curricula, and educational outreach programs, and is a partner and resource in accessing enrichment opportunities and building a strong local, regional, and national educational community.
Hixon Writing Center (HWC)
The HWC offers Caltech writers support and feedback on their works in progress with a team of professional and peer tutors who can also connect writers with high quality, vetted resources to meet their communication goals. The center's staff work to address the inherent intellectual challenges of the writing process and provide support in many academic genres, including abstracts, proposals, research papers, argument-driven essays, statements of purpose, research proposals, and slide decks and presentations.