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The impact of Caltech's distinctive approach to research and education reaches far beyond Pasadena.

Advocating for Science and Creating Social Impact

Science has the power to change the world for the better, and Caltech is committed to using that power at the local, national, and global levels.

Caltech Science Exchange

Caltech Science Exchange

The Caltech Science Exchange is a free public resource that offers trustworthy answers, clear explanations, and fact-driven conversation on critical topics in science and technology such as artificial intelligence, quantum physics, and COVID-19 at

President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)

Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold

Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold serves as co-chair of PCAST. John Dabiri (PhD ’05), Caltech’s Centennial Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering, is also a member of the council along with Caltech Trustee Joe Kiani and several Institute alumni including Arati Prabhakar (PhD ’85), who is PCAST co-chair and the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

Caltech Center for Science, Society, and Public Policy (CSSPP)


Established in 2023, the CSSPP provides a forum for research and debate on topics at the intersection of science and society. Its goal is twofold: to learn about and share current science policy and to shape science policy by building on Caltech's scientific expertise. Research pursued within and funded by the center across Caltech engages with the societal impact of scientific advances or explores the regulatory landscapes of specific scientific domains.

The Caltech-Hollywood Connection

Caltech Alumni Association (CAA)

Caltech alumni at a social gathering.

Caltech’s 25,000-plus living alumni know that advancing humanity through science and technology is a team effort. By creating and nurturing an active alumni community around the globe, the CAA works to ensure that those individuals can live their best lives as they build momentum, expand possibilities, and spark new ideas and relationships. This is why Caltech alumni are behind the world’s foremost efforts to solve unknowns, project what-ifs, and pioneer never-been-done-befores.

Caltech Associates


For nearly 100 years, the Caltech Associates have helped propel Caltech's mission of discovery while forging lifelong connections between their members. The mission of the more than 1,700 Associates is to create a better world by philanthropically supporting the Institute through membership dollars that provide crucial unrestricted funding of pathbreaking research, seeding innovations, and helping elevate the impact of Caltech science and engineering. Since the Associates' founding in 1926, members have contributed funds toward 37 campus buildings, 52 endowed professorships, and countless fellowships and scholarships.


Caltech students, faculty, alumni, postdocs, and trustees receive top honors for their bold work to change the world through science and technology.

Members of the Caltech community have earned:

Subra Suresh

Subra Suresh, a Caltech Moore Scholar and former visiting professor of engineering, received the National Medal of Science in 2023 along with Caltech physicist Barry Barish.

Entrepreneurship and Industry

Through hundreds of startups and thousands of patents, Caltech's ambitious thinkers and inventors make their mark and find success through entrepreneurial endeavors and industrial innovation, spawning. hundreds of startups and earning thousands of patents for their efforts.

The Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Partnerships (OTTCP) develops collaborations with industry and nurtures an entrepreneurial environment.

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